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Dulany Memorial Library

Library Rules

General rules and code of conduct for the library


Books, Audiobooks, and Magazines: Up to 6 books for a period of 14 days.
These books can be renewed twice unless the book is on a waiting list.
Fishing poles, Parks & Rec Sports Equipment, and STEAM Kits: May be checked out for 14 days, and renewed up to two times, unless they are on a waiting list. STEAM Kits also have their own additional list of rules printed on each kit and on the shelving next to the kits.
DVDs: May be checked out for 3 days (14 days for TV series).
"Good Faith Returns" Paperback books: no limit

YOUR LIBRARY CARD enables you to also check out ebooks, emagazines, and audiobooks through Libby (Missouri Libraries to Go), Boundless, and Blackstone Unlimited.

How You Can Help

Please return your books & DVDs on time, and in the condition in which they were borrowed.
Please take care of the materials. Do not remove covers or damage barcode labels.
If you need more time, please email or call the library to extend your loan.


Books, Movies, & Fishing Poles

  • Late return: If an item is returned late (and in the same condition in which it was borrowed), no payment will be required. Patron may check out additional items.
  • *Damaged item: If an item is returned late and damaged, or on time and damaged, the patron will be asked to pay a fine, up to the full cost of replacing the item, if the item is not fixable or replaceable by staff.
  • Overdue items on account: If a patron would like to check out additional items but has an overdue item on their account, they must either first return or renew the overdue item.
    • If they return the item at a later time, they may then check out additional items.
    • If they renew the item, they may only check out additional items if they are within the standard amount of renewals allowed on the prior item.
    • If the patron has exceeded amount of renewals on the prior item, no new items may be checked out until the one overdue is returned.
  • *Lost item: If a patron indicates they have lost an item, they will no longer be allowed to check out new items until they have done one of the following:
    • Pay for the cost of replacing the lost item.
    • Purchase a like-quality copy of the item and replace the one they lost.

*If an individual has a lost or damaged item and is being restricted from checking items out on their own account, they are also not allowed to check out items under another individual’s account (including a friend, parent, or other family member). They must resolve their own account issue to continue checking items out. If this rule is being violated, staff may put restrictions on family/friends’ accounts as well.


  • New Patrons: A new patron must show good faith by being in our system for a minimum of 6 weeks, AND must have 3 successful check-out and return interactions (no late returns/late renewals/lost items) of books, movies, or other “small ticket” items, before they will be allowed to check out a “big ticket” item such as, but not limited to, a STEAM Kit.
  • Existing Patrons: An existing patron may check out a STEAM Kit, and must abide by the rules listed on the kit and signage near the kit shelves.
    • All other rules apply, same as Books, Movies, & Fishing Poles.


  • New Patrons: A new patron must be in our system for a minimum of 6 weeks, AND must have 3 successful check-out and return interactions (no late returns/late renewals/lost items) of books, movies, or other “small ticket” items, before they will be allowed to check out a “big ticket” item such the telescope.
  • Existing Patrons: An existing patron may check out the telescope, and abide by the same rules that apply to Books, Movies, & Fishing Poles.

 Parks & Rec Equipment

  • New and Existing Patrons: Both new and existing patrons will be allowed to check out Parks and Rec Equipment.
  • Damaged/Overdue items/Lost items: The same general library check-out rules and stipulations apply to a patron’s account, in regards to resolving the immediate situation and checking out items in the future (See “Books, Movies, & Fishing Poles”), with the following additional rules:
    • If an item of Parks and Rec equipment is returned less than two weeks late (and in the same condition in which it was borrowed), no payment will be required. Patron may check out additional items.
    • If an item is Parks and rec equipment is returned two weeks or more late, the item will be considered “lost”, and the patron will be responsible for paying a fine, up to the full cost of replacing the item.


For books to be accepted, they must be:

  • Clean
  • Intact (no torn or missing pages or covers)
  • Mold-free
  • Free of water and other stains
  • In resale condition (new or gently used)
  • Less than 10 years old
  • Donated in small quantities at a time

Do not leave donated books outside or loose in the drop-box (they must be in a bag and labeled as a donation).

Call ahead or come by during business hours to make sure we are accepting donations at that time. Due to staff availability and storage space, we may decline donations.

660-388-5712; M-F: noon-5pm, Saturdays 10am-noon

If donating books, be aware that not all books will necessarily be cataloged and added to our shelves for circulation. Some may be sold or given away in our sale and free areas. If books fail to meet the standards above, they may be disposed of in recycling.


It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility for monitoring the material checked out by their child.  Our checkout systems do not recognize the recommended age group or movie ratings of materials, and library staff are not responsible for your children. Minors will be allowed checkouts from each library collection that has been approved with signed parental permission. Separate collections are available for children and young people, but it is not the responsibility of the Library, its Board of Trustees, staff, or volunteers to determine which collection they should use or what item in the approved collection is suitable for an individual. Library personnel does not know what you consider appropriate for your child and cannot be responsible for their selections. By signing the “Informed Consent of Use of Library for Minor Child” form, the parent is providing consent for their child to check out content and utilize library resources. If a parent would like to limit materials in any way, they must indicate that on the form, and  staff will do their best to adhere to those requests. If a parent does not agree to the terms of the form, a card cannot be issued to their child.


Any group or individual who wishes to rent out library space for an event that will be advertised or promoted to the public must include an age recommendation on any advertisement or promotional materials, including but not limited to signage, flyers, and social media. Failure to comply may result in the group or individual being denied the rental, or in future rentals being denied.


The Library selects and acquires a wide variety of materials and programming for access by library patrons. The Library seeks to provide information on all sides of every issue, including controversial issues, and they value the opinions of patrons. If a patron objects, the patron may complete the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form, outlining concerns as concisely as possible. The Director will respond to the inquiry. If a patron is unsatisfied with the Director’s response, the patron may appeal in writing to the Library Board.


  • Current Library Staff may rent the basement at no cost.
  • Current Library Board Members may rent the basement at half cost.
  • Both staff and board members will be responsible for payment for any lost or damaged property, and for any additional janitorial services needed if the space is not left in good order.
  • If a paying renter would like the space on the same day as a staff or board member, the staff or board member must pay the full price to reserve the date, or the rental will go to the full-paying renter.
  • All other policies regarding rental and care for the space and library property apply to staff and board members.